Thursday, July 18, 2013

Reusing Office Supplies

Keep reuse in mind when it comes to office supplies. Refillable pens and pencils reduce waste. Paper clips, folders and binders can be saved and reused. Stay organized and keep used supplies for recycling

Look for eco-friendly places to work. Two websites that can help in the search are Simply Hired's Eco-Friendly Companies search engine and Sustainable Business's Green Dream Jobs section.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

"Virtual" Meetings

Hold "virtual" meetings with conference calls instead of travel. Send the agenda by e-mail. Everyone can look at it on their phones instead of printing hard copies. Remind attendees to bring their own beverages. Don't offer bottled waters. Use reuseable nametags, biodegradable cups, and compostible, unbleached napkins made from recycled materials.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Live Online

Subscribe to online newspapers. Cancel your paper subscriptions and get your news online. Each year, 10 million tons of newspapers are tossed into landfills and aren't recycled. If just half of these were recycled, it would save 75 million trees.

Buy tickets online. Airline, movie and event tickets can be purchased online or by telephone and printed at home. You'll save time and paper waste. Print-at-home tickets use plain copy paper, which is easier to recycle than paperboard used for printed tickets.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Music and Movies Can Be Green, Too

Download music instead of purchasing it. Each month, more than 45 tons of CDs become obsolete, outdated, unwanted, unloved and left in landfills. The average price of a music CD is $15, whereas you can download an album for $9.99 from most services.

Rent, don't buy, movies. Are you really going to watch them over and over? Children sometimes do, but ask yourself how many of your purchased movies on the shelf you have watch repeatedly? One hundred thousand DVDs and CDs are thrown away each month, not to mention VHS tapes! They have almost no resale value. Don't contribute to the trash pile. There are streaming video services with large catalogs you can access to watch movies.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Invest in Green

Research mutual funds and stocks that support green initiatives.

Patronize companies that are making efforts to become more environmentally sustainable. From consumer products to services, your dollar can make a difference.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Go Recycled

Purchase recycled-content products, both pre- and post-consumer. Purchase locally-manufactured products or those that ship or are sold from a shorter distance away.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fax Green

Fax smart. Sending faxes directly from the computer avoids using paper completely. If a traditional fax is the only option, avoid using a cover letter or create a reusable cover by laminating the page and using an erasable marker to update. Turn off the automatic activity report feature on fax machines to save another page.

But if you do create unnecessary paper, reuse that paper in your printer for printing routine, disposable reference materials.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Computer Energy Tips

Conserve energy by turning off the copier or printer when not in use.

Flat screen monitors and laptops are more energy-efficient than CRT monitors.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

More Printing Tips

Design documents and shrink images to minimize paper consumption. Set your default margins to .75 on all sides.

Publish documents online. Design to minimize paper use. Use recycled content paper. Avoid overruns. Minimize the number you distribute. Target your mailing list.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Computer Tips

Turn off your monitor when you're away from the computer more than five minutes. Set the computer to sleep mode. Screen savers do not save energy.

Think twice before printing. Do you really need that printed? Send documents and invitations electronically. Edit, spellcheck and correct grammar on the screen. File information electronically.

Avoid printing emails and add a reminder to your email signature "Think before you print."

Friday, January 18, 2013

Support Less Packaging

Buy items with less packaging or packaging that can be recycled. It may be convenient to buy snack crackers in small packs or divided up into smaller packs, but that creates more waste than just buying the full box.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Dryer Tips

Clean your dryer lint screen after every use and don't overload the dryer. You'll save up to 5 percent on your electricity bill, which could mean an energy-equivalent savings of 350 million gallons of gasoline per year -- if everyone did this.